Our VETROX® system


Recognized worldwide. Patented.

environmentally friendly, plane-parallel, accurate.


The machine that removes the damage in a rectangular format to the maximum damage depth with 5 degrees of freedom on the glass surface in the damaged area with the specified grinding diameters, grinding and polishing materials and variable cutting speeds. The subsequent work steps serve to restore the original transparency and transparency.

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The abrasives

Abrasives in solid and liquid form in a coordinated complement and sequence are the real heart of difficult glass surface processing.

Depending on the material to be processed (not all glass is the same), the predetermined, guided and directed movements of the VETROMATEN also eliminate large-scale damage.

Unser Know-How

Extracted from over 3,000 individual projects, compacted and stored in operating and knowledge manuals, the current state of glass surface processing knowledge is available to all those involved in a clearly structured form as the basis of the VETROX system, at the appropriate level and for each application.


The basic principle is based on a parallelogram that is placed on the glass using suction cups in the area of the damaged glass surfaces.

Within this parallelogram, an electrically driven sanding plate with 4 degrees of freedom (x, y, z direction and rotation) is now precisely controlled and moved over a large area over the damaged areas.

The result speaks for itself: high-end quality without the dreaded residues such as scratches, waves, lenses or magnifying glasses.

Information material


This guideline applies to the assessment of the visual quality of glass for construction.

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